What is the Core of Biblical Discipleship?

Mar 3 / Evan Lee
The core of Biblical discipleship is centered around following Jesus Christ and being transformed into His image. This involves a commitment to learning from Him, obeying His teachings, and living a life that reflects His love, truth, and character. Here are some key components that make up the core of Biblical discipleship:

1. Imitating Christ’s Example

At its heart, discipleship is about becoming like Jesus. Disciples seek to model their lives after His humility, love, sacrifice, and obedience to the Father. Jesus calls His followers to take up their cross, deny themselves, and live in accordance with His values (Luke 9:23).

2. Obeying Jesus’ Teachings

Discipleship involves both learning and obeying the commands of Jesus. The core of what Jesus taught is found in the command to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-40). Obeying Jesus' words also involves living out the values of His Kingdom—such as forgiveness, mercy, and justice—in daily life.

3. Being Transformed by the Holy Spirit

Biblical discipleship is not just about behavior modification but inner transformation. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to grow in godliness, bear spiritual fruit, and reflect Christ in a way that goes beyond outward actions (Romans 8:29, Galatians 5:22-23). This transformation is a continual process as disciples grow in maturity and holiness.

4. Building Relationships and Community

Discipleship happens in the context of relationships. Jesus didn’t just teach individuals; He called people into a community of believers to grow together. This community provides support, accountability, and opportunities for service and mission. Discipleship is a shared journey, and believers are called to encourage one another and make disciples together (Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 10:24-25).

5. Mission and Making More Disciples

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is a foundational aspect of Biblical discipleship. Jesus commands His followers to learn from Him and go out and make other disciples. Discipleship involves sharing the gospel with others, teaching them to obey Jesus’ commands, and inviting them into the same transformative relationship with Christ.

6. Living Out the Kingdom of God

Discipleship is about living with a Kingdom perspective. Disciples are called to represent God’s Kingdom on earth—seeking justice, peace, and righteousness. It’s about aligning one’s values, priorities, and actions with the will of God and being a witness to the world of His reign (Matthew 6:33, Luke 4:43).

7. Sacrificial Love

At the core of discipleship is the call to love others as Christ loves us. This includes sacrificial service, selflessness, and putting others’ needs before our own. Love for one another is the identifying mark of Jesus' disciples (John 13:34-35).

In essence, the core of Biblical discipleship is a life of radical obedience to Jesus Christ, being shaped by His character, living out His commands in community, and sharing His message of love and salvation with the world. It's a journey of personal transformation, rooted in a relationship with Christ and expressed through service to others and mission in the world.
Meet the blogger

Jennifer Hand

Jennifer is the co-founder of Advance the Faith and the Advance the Faith Academy. She has over 15 years mentoring and coaching women of all ages. She is especially passionate about serving youth as they age out of foster care and discipling young adults. Jenn is currently pursuing her Masters of Counseling Psychology at Moody Theological Seminary. In her free time she loves cooking, reading and being outdoors. 
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