What do Angels actually look like according to the Bible?

Mar 3 / Evan Lee

Angels are described in various ways throughout the Bible, and their appearances often differ depending on the context and the type of angel being described. Here are some of the most notable depictions:

Human-like Appearance Angels:

  • In many instances, angels appear as human figures, often looking like men. For example, in Genesis 18, three visitors (who are angels) appear to Abraham as men. They are not immediately recognized as angels, but their message reveals their supernatural nature.
  • In the New Testament, when angels appear to people, such as to Mary or to the shepherds in the field, they often look like ordinary men, though sometimes with a radiant or glorious presence that conveys their heavenly origin (e.g., Luke 2:9).

Radiant or Glorious Angels:

  • Some descriptions emphasize the brightness or glory of angels. For example, in Matthew 28:3, the angel at the tomb of Jesus has an appearance like lightning, and his clothing is as white as snow.
  • Daniel 10:6 describes an angel, who many scholars believe is a theophany (appearance of God in human form), whose body is like beryl (a precious stone), his face like lightning, and his eyes like torches of fire. His voice is described as the sound of a multitude.

Cherubim Angels:

  • Cherubim are a specific type of angel described in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament. In Ezekiel 1:5-11, cherubim are described as having four faces (man, lion, ox, and eagle) and four wings. They are often depicted as beings that serve in God's presence, guarding sacred things (such as the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:24 or the Ark of the Covenant).
  • The Book of Revelation also describes a similar vision of cherubim around the throne of God.

Seraphim Angels:

  • Seraphim is another specific type of angel found in Isaiah 6:1-3. They are described as having six wings: two covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two used for flying. They are known for praising God, saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty."

Other Heavenly Beings:

  • In Revelation 4:6-8, angels are described as being around God's throne, worshipping Him day and night. Some of these beings are described with eyes all around and within, further emphasizing their otherworldly and awe-inspiring nature.

Summary of Angelic Appearances:

  • Human-like: Often appear as men, sometimes shining or radiant.
  • Radiant or Glorious: Many are described as having bright, shining appearances.
  • Cherubim: Have multiple faces and wings, often symbolic of their role as guardians.
  • Seraphim: Six-winged beings who constantly worship God.

    In general, angels are portrayed as powerful, awe-inspiring beings, often overwhelming in their presence, and typically associated with the divine glory and holiness of God. Their appearances are not always easy to comprehend in human terms, but they are always depicted as messengers or servants of God.
Meet the blogger

Evan Lee

Evan is a digital marketing agency owner who partners with Churches and Christian organizations to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ through digital marketing. Evan has 10+ years of digital marketing experience and utilizes high performance based marketing tactics to grow businesses of all sizes. He was raised in Naples, Florida in a Christian household growing up. He has been on many mission trips all across Europe and Mexico and he also speaks as an adjunct digital marketing professor at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.
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